Tuesday, June 13, 2017

6.11.17 - our sunday, on tuesday

1.Woke up at 6:15.
2. Snuggles, of course.
3. Play with alllll the toys. All of them. (he doesn't have enough...jk)
4. Go for a long walk, which I wasn't prepared for. (2 hrs people, ugh)
5. Swing on swings. (I didn't save the video and it makes me sad) :(
6. Walk awkwardly in to the library during a church service to go to the bathroom. (oops)

7. Rylan falls asleep on the way home. (sigh..no morning nap)
8. Daddy wakes up and we spend time with him.
9. Daddy goes to work. :(
10. We fall asleep in the chair for 2.5 hrs. :)
11. We go outside and play in our new pool. :)
 12. BUBBLES. (which is sadly didn't get a video of because 
it's hard blowing bubbles and trying to take a video at the same time)
13. Before bed snuggles.
14. Bedtime.

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